When we arrive home in the evenings and the nights have become darker and colder the house can at first feel a little chilly, lifeless and sometimes even lonely. The first thing we often do is turn on the main lights, flick the kettle on and switch on the television, all of a sudden the house is bright and noisey.
To ensure we are welcomed into our homes feeling relaxed and warm here are a few instant tips that can make all the difference to a comfortable evening ahead.
1. Place a few light timers around the house, these are easily adjustable so as the evenings draw in further the lights will automatically switch on as needed.
2. Place soft low wattage light bulbs in table lamps and adjust the heating so it comes on low an hour or so before you arrive home. You can now even have an app on your phone called hive active heating (hivehome.com) which will allow you to adjust the house temperature whilst commuting home as the weather changes. There is also an app for adjusting the lighting in your home, you will need to replace the light bulbs with hive active bulbs, these will allow you to have similar control as the heating. They come in a range of choices so there is something for everyone.
3. Create a warm and welcoming entrance. The hallway will set the scene for the rest of the home so if it's untidy at the door, what will it be like in the other rooms that people can't necessarily see when they pop by. It is important here to create flow, welcome you in to see more; you can create flow by using complimentary colours that will lead you through to other rooms off the hallway. Choose striking tiles, or a striped carpet or if you love a wood floor create impact with a colourful rug. The entrance hall is often seen as somewhere to pass through and not a place to sit and relax, a place that will see a lot of "people traffic". Flow can be created by using complimentary colours, for example use lighter colours in rooms to create a feeling of space, light and openness, whereas the hallway can be darker, not only creating warmth but being practical as we rush through the house, it is an area that may experience regular bumps and scrapes. So, try using strong, saturated colours, like dark grey, mulberry or teal; go on be brave!
4. The lounge often leads straight from the hallway, here use warm neutrals,which will create a cosy aura in the evenings. The ambience of a room can be easily adjusted by the amount of lights that are switched on, the colour and pattern of curtains or blinds, rugs, the style of fireplace and accessories like cushions, throws and wall art.
Here are a few ideas:
The hallway -
The lounge -