It's a time to pull on the wellington boots, find the key to the shed and grab the garden rake, hoe and trough. The garden does not look it's best right now but with a little TLC and some patience the garden will be restored and full of fresh green grass and shoots in the coming weeks.
Here are a few tips to get you started and on your way to a beautiful garden this Spring!
1. Pull out the lawn mower and dust off the old dried on grass, book a service and your lawn mower will become your best friend as the grass once again begins to grow.
2. Rake off the lawn, collect any fallen tree debris, remaining leaves and moss and throw them on the compost or into your green garden bin for collection.
3. Keep the blades high for the first few cuts as the grass will have grown very little over the winter.
4. Avoid cutting the grass if ground frost is still forecast.
5. Aerate the lawn with a garden fork or spiking tool, this will help boost grass growth and improve drainage.
6. Finally, seed any areas of the lawn that has died off during the winter and add a good Spring fertiliser for your type of soil.
Happy gardening!