July is a month of warm, sometimes very hot weather, long dry spells followed by heavy, thunderous downpours. The garden can sometimes take a real battering from such extreme weather conditions, so here are some regular jobs to help that garden stay simply gorgeous all summer long!
Weeds just love this weather, and seem to pop up everywhere. Try to keep on top of them by using a hoe and regularly turning over the soil in the borders. Spray weed killer on paths and driveways to keep the weeds at bay. Top up the borders with mulch or decorative bark, as this will not only retain moisture but will also help to keep away those weeds.
Continue to dead head the faded blooms, this will re-energise the plant and encourage further blooms.
Water pots and hanging baskets regularly as despite the heavy down pours many hanging baskets miss out on much of the rain often being sheltered by porches or the eaves of a house or garage, and the soil dries very quickly in the warm temperatures.
It's a good time for cuttings, especially tender plants like perennials and shrubs such as hydrangeas and pieris.
Even with us experiencing heavy downpours the lawn may still need a regular water, use a sprinkler to make light work of a large lawn and be economical with the water usage. Don't cut the lawn too short as it may scorch in hot weather. Using a water butt will help recycle the rain water for watering pots and hanging baskets.
Finally, remember to top up bird baths, there are a lot of young birds at this time of year all trying to cope with the intense hot weather and if possible fill up the bird feeders with seed too, there's something very English about seeing the different variety of birds in our gardens.

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